Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Your Workplace Personality Out of (Birth) Order? by Ben Dattner

In this essay the author Ben Dattner gives us an insightful view on the psychology of siblings. Dattner first explains about first born syblings. He details the characteristics by saying that first borns are often "extraverted and confident, more conformist and conservative, more conscientious and academically inclined, and more dominant and authoritarian.". He then provides examples of successful people to support his point. Afterwards he moves on to detail the characteristics of second borns as being "more flexible and open to new experiences, more empathic and altruistic, more creative and innovative, and more rebellious, liberal and interested in foreign cultures, and more concerned with justice and fairness.". He provides several examples to support his point, then develops into the middle siblings. He describes them as more diplomatic and political with their character. Throughout the essay he provides reasons as to why syblings act the way they do. He implies that it is because of their upbringing. First born children are often viewed as more responsible than the second born, and therefore develop concern, and care for the second born in addition to a sense of responsibilty of achievement for themselves. Then theres the second born that often are open and flexible to situations since they have less to lose. The foundation of their character is built of this ideology according to Dattner.

I found this essay very interesting because im in a family of four. My family consists of my Mother, Father, Older Brother, and Me. I found the essay suprisingly accurate, because the laid out personalities were similair to that of mine and my brothers. I often seem to be more creative since I like to make art and appreciate it more, but he doesn't really have a taste for it. On most occasions I have found myself more empathic than my brother despite the obvious reasons that exist. I also feel comfortable taking chances to see what happens, and am interested in how other cultures function. My brother is also more ambitious, and a real go-getter whereas I am more laid back and relaxed. I also understand to a great deal that my brother really cares for me, and my education. I guess till a certain extent he understands that grades aren't that big of a deal for me so he really enforces it. An example would be last year for my senior year in high-school. For my first term report card I got a 3.5 for my GPA, and he complained that I should have atleast a 3.8. By the end of the year I graduated with a 3.8, and he still complained. I thought he was out of his mind, and realized that there is no winning with him. This unmotivated me, and made me want to rebel, and not go to college but I quickly realized why he is the way he is. I realized if he hadn't been so hard on me, than I would have likely let the 3.5 get to my head, and it would have dropped down to a low GPA. I found the essay insightful and fun since I was able to relate so well.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, this is really well written, but I feel that you can better clarify the author's thesis with more accurate phrasing. Be sure to read my comments below.

    Prof. Stevens
